Order and Shipping:
As soon as you have placed and paid for an order, we will send your order within 1 and 3 days, however when it comes to international orders you have to take in account a slightly longer delivery time. During our holidays we use different shippingtimes. See our homepage if that is the case.
All items are in stock and ready for delivery, unless otherwise indicated.
We charge for shipping within the Netherlands the Postage rate from € 4,10 for Envelope Mail, for Package Mail € 6,75 (5Kg.) up to € 13.- (10Kg. and up). All Package Mail is send with track&trace.
For orders outside the Netherlands, within the European Zone (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Spain, Sweden) we charge the Postage rate from € 7,75 for Envelope Mail, for Package Mail € 13,00 (2Kg.), € 23,00 (5Kg.), € 28,70 (10Kg.)up to € 37,70 (20Kg.). All Package Mail is send with track&trace.
For orders outside the Netherlands, outside the European Zone (Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Croatia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Roemania, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Czech Republic) we charge the Postage rate from € 9,00 for Envelope Mail, for Package Mail € 18,50 (2Kg.), € 31,50 (5Kg.), € 37,50 (10Kg.), € 46,50 (20Kg.). All Package Mail is send with track&trace
Shippingcosts the rest of the world.
For orders we charge the standard Postage rate of € 11,- for Envelope Mail, for Package Mail € 23,00 (2Kg.), € 46,80 (5Kg.), € 83,30,- (10Kg.).
International shipments outside the European Union may be subject to customs and duty fees by their local government and will be the customers responsibility.